About the Center
Interregional Centre of Expertise for Syringomyelia and Chiari Syndrome - CRESSC
AOU Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino
CTO Hospital, Torino, Italy
Interregional Center of Expertise for Syringomyelia and Chiari Syndrome - CRESSC is the first Italian Multidisciplinary Center for the management, diagnosis, therapy and follow-up of these chronic and invalidating rare diseases:
Syringomyelia - Syringobulbia (national exemption code RF0410 - Nervous System Diseases and sense organs)
Arnold Chiari Syndrome (national exemption code RN0010 - Congenital Malformations).
In 2010, due to the experience and the data of the Interregional Rare Diseases Register of Piemonte and Valle d’Aosta, the Piemonte Region identified CTO Hospital, Turin, Italy as the first Center of Expertise for Syringomyelia/Syringobulbia and Chiari Syndrome, with D.G.R 95-13748 of 29/3/2010, with the following assignments:
Management of patients with Chiari Malformation, Syringomyelia and other related spinal dysraphisms (e.g. spina bifida, tethered cord);
Use and appropriate management of available resources through the adoption of organizational strategies, increasing efficiency of services provided;
Monitoring of diagnostic-assistential protocol implementation and of auxiliary functions, supporting the Regional Healthcare Agencies in patient assistance;
Research Promotion and training of health professionals, in agreement with the Health Management of Region Piemonte and with the collaboration of the Interregional Rare Disease Center of Piemonte and Valle d'Aosta - CMID and of Regional Health Agencies having similar activities.
The Center is set on an interdisciplinary model for the diagnosis and care of the person affected by Syringomyelia and/or Chiari Syndrome, involving: neurologists, neurophisiologists, neurosurgeons, neuroradiologists, radiologists, physiatrists, neuro-urologists, spinal surgeons, phoniatricians, rheumatologists, pneumologists, psychologists, internists, pain specialists, nurses, social workers.
The involved experts come from AOU Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino (CTO, Molinette and OIRM-S. Anna). The Center offers structures and technically advanced instruments for diagnosis, treatment (surgical as well) and patient follow-up. The Multidisciplinary Group of CTO, instituted in 2008, merged in 2012 and D.A. n.1108/2015 of 18/11/2015 in the “Syringomyelia - Chiari Syndrome” Interdisciplinary Group, AOU Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino.