

Chiari Syndrome and Syringomyelia are complex rare disease that require a timely and appropriate diagnosis and they are not currently supported by standard clinical classifications and diagnostic protocols widely shared.

For these reasons the specialist will able to identify clinical features and useful investigations for diagnosis.

The Chiari Malfomation (CM) tends to cause:

  • headache, often at the back of the head, commonly made worse by coughing, sneezing, straining and bending over;
  • giddy attacks;
  • tingling in arms and legs.

A specific combination of symptoms may suggest the person has a Chiari Syndrome.

Similar considerations apply to the symptoms of Syringomyelia:

  • pain;
  • tingling;
  • limbs numbness or weakness.

Clinical features are fairly typical and, to an experienced neurologist, are not easily confused with many other disorders. The challenge nowadays is to identify syringomyelia at an earlier stage in order to prevent future physical disability. On the other hand, if someone begins to develop neurological symptoms in the limbs is recommended to consult a specialist.

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Text based  on “Syringomyelia &Hindbrain Hernia”
(Chiari Malformation) by Graham Flint, The Ann Conroy Trust, 2006

Critical review by Dr. Palma Ciaramitaro